Resource Links
The following list are resources that we have found helpful. We do not necessarily endorse the ideas presented by institutions and individuals listed below, neither do we receive any compensation for posting the following links.
Adventist History and Documents
- Adventist Archives
- Adventist Digital Library
- Adventist Pioneer Library
- Their entire infobase is included in the EGW Comprehensive Research Edition software and in the various EGW Writings apps
Bible Software
E G White Writings
- Ellen G White Estate (old site)
- Ellen G White Estate (new site)
- E G White Writings online
- E G White Writings online (mobile)
- EGW Writings app for Android
- EGW Writings app for iOS
- EGW Writings app for Windows Modern
- EGW Comprehensive Research Edition for Mac or PC desktop version
- The download is free on a minimum donation basis
- EGW Writings and Manuscripts Folio Infobase
- Use this add-on file with your EGW Writings desktop software for Mac or Windows